BLYTHEWOOD – Amendments to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan are winding down and it is expected the Planning Commission will recommend them to the Town Council at the Commission’s next meeting on Aug. 3.
Gregory Sprouse of the Midlands Central Council of Governments has been working on the project with members of the Commission both in regular meetings and individually for the last two months. State law requires that the Plan be updated every 10 years. Its purpose is to provide the Town’s officials guidance in planning and zoning.
On Monday evening, the Planning Commission discussed changes that included updating the maps for water and sewer lines and information about the adoption of a capital improvement plan by Council. Sections on air quality and future availability of water were put in a more favorable light. New emphasis was placed on economic development and industrialization in the town as well as suggestions to provide incentives to developers who actively work to implement the visions of the Town. Another objective of the new plan will be to determine gaps in the town’s economic market and take steps to encourage development to fill those gaps.
A new section was added that lists the town’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as determined by the Planning Commissioners and Town Council members at recent meetings. Under the heading of Transportation, there are future plans to construct a park-and-ride lot and bus waiting area on the land just west of I-77, adjacent to the former community center. Future plans also include construction of a multi-model transportation center and parking lot.
Chairman Malcolm Gordge announced that the terms of commissioners Marcus Taylor and Michael Switzer will end Sept. 30, and that Switzer will not reapply for appointment to the Commission. Taylor, who has served two terms on the Commission, told Gordge that he would like to continue serving. Residents of the Town who would like to apply for a vacant Commission seat should contact Town Hall at 754-0501.