Fiona Smith, Library Associate at the Blythewood Library, holds a copy of ‘Grant Park,’ a thirller about racial tensions and the subject of the community’s second Blythewood Reads event to be held in February. (Photo/Barbara Ball)
BLYTHEWOOD (Jan. 12, 2017) – It’s time again for the next chapter of Blythewood Reads, the popular community reading event organized by the Blythewood Library in collaboration with the Blythewood Historical Society.
Library Associate Fiona Smith said the program has been a success in bringing readers together for interesting discussions about books that not only entertain, but that also reflect important issues.
The next gathering will be held at the Langford-Nord House on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m., to discuss “Grant Park,” a novel by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Leonard Pitts Jr.
“It’s a fast-paced thriller,” Smith said, “about the history of race relations in America over the last few decades. Everyone who’s brought it back has been raving about it. It’s really been a hit!”
Smith said that the event is scheduled for early in the month because Pitts will be speaking in Columbia in mid-February as part of the city’s One Book, One Community reading program, and she thought that Blythewood readers may be interested in going to see him after reading and discussing the novel.
“It’s been great to see how Blythewood Reads has brought together different factions of the community,” she said. “Last time we had over 70 people participate in reading the book, and there were 36 people at the event. Everyone really enjoys the occasion. We have cookies and drinks and lots of great conversation!”
February’s gathering will again consist of several small groups led by facilitators, and she added that the library hopes to develop the program into a regular monthly book club.
You can reserve your copy of “Grant Park” through the Richland County Public Library website at richlandlibrary.com, or by calling the Blythewood branch at 803-691-9806.
“The library system as a whole has plenty of copies,” Smith said, “so the chances of getting one are pretty good. You can also download an e-copy from the website or listen to an audio version.”