RIDGEWAY – After it was proposed last month that the new Ridgeway water tower be placed behind Geiger Elementary School on property owned by the Fairfield County School District, a packet of information about the proposal and a graphic design of the new tower emblazoned with ‘Geiger Elementary,’ was presented to school board trustees and made available to the public by Ridgeway Councilwoman Angela Harrison. After the graphic appeared in The Voice, some Ridgeway Council members and town residents had second thoughts about naming the tower after the town’s elementary school.
Council called a special meeting on Tuesday evening to hear from the community before voting on the name. Since the School Board’s monthly meeting was already scheduled at the same time, no members of the Board attended the Ridgeway Town meeting. But about 20 town residents and Geiger family members did attend. All either spoke or stood in favor of the tower being named for the elementary school, but not without the spirit of compromise.
“I suggest we name the tower for the school and the town,” lifelong Ridgeway resident Dwight Robertson said, addressing Council. “It won’t cost that much to add Ridgeway, South Carolina under Geiger Elementary. There should not even be a question about naming the tower after the school. I went to Geiger and it’s a great school. It should be recognized. And we hope the Council will see fit to name the new water tower for Geiger,” Robertson said.
Jasper Adams, Sarah Robertson and Dede Ruff also spoke in favor of placing both names on the tower.
“It makes sense to put both Geiger Elementary and the town’s names on the tower,” Ruff said. “I think it’s a great idea. There’s not a better location and it’s wonderful that the school donated the property.”
Mayor Charlene Herring called for a motion and Council voted unanimously to name the new water tower after the town and the school.
The most appropriate action would be to place the name of the town first in larger lettering on the tower. Underneath the town name of “RIDGEWAY” use smaller lettering stating “Home of Geiger Elementary.” This should never turn into a “political” issue.