RIDGEWAY – A second and final vote will be taken by Ridgeway Town Council Thursday night that will, if passed, put the nail in the coffin on leaving junked vehicles on property in excess of 30 days by the owner and parking for more than three hours on Palmer Street. Council will also make their final vote to eliminate overnight parking on any property owned or leased by the Town unless for special Town approved events with the exception of law enforcement and emergency vehicles.
Final vote will also be given on an amendment of the Town’s purchasing ordinance, raising the limit on the amount the Town government can purchase without bids from $500 to $1,500. If the final vote passes, Council will be allowed to spend up to $1,500 without a bid process.
While these items would normally be listed under ‘new business’, they are listed under ‘old business’ on the agenda.
Listed under ‘new business’ is consideration of location for public restroom facilities for the Town. While it is not clear whether the item will be voted on, Councilman Don Prioleau told The Voice that he thinks it will be for discussion only.
Council may also vote following executive session regarding the purchase of property from Norfolk Southern (the cotton yard).