LOUISVILLE, KY – The S.C. Forage and Grazing Lands Coalition received the 2017 President’s Award from the American Forage and Grasslands Council (AFGC) at the annual AFGC conference in January.
The award, which recognizes outstanding service to the forage community, cited the group’s work through field days, outreach and membership growth.
“It was an honor to receive this award from a national organization like AFGC,” Blythewood resident Kenneth Mullis, S.C. coalition president, said, “especially since the SCFGLC has only been functioning for 2 years.”
The coalition promotes the health and sustainability of South Carolina grazing lands. Workshops and events cover areas such as soil health for grazing management practices on pastureland, forestland and cropland; prescribed grazing; silvopasture; and wildlife management.
For more information or to join the coalition, visit the website at scforage.com or facebook.com/SCGrazingLands.