Winnsboro Lions President Bill Haslett hosted a small community gathering for the exchange students on Tuesday. Pictured, seated, from left: Ida Marie Lorensten, Maria Clara Annes; Standing: Aaron Frish, Kayla Robinson, Michelle Taylor, Ella Roosa Mantysalo, Donnie Laird, Berenika Poplerova, Jim Barn, County Councilman Neil Robinson, Rafal Baran, Andres Byttebrier, Paul Dove, Will Haslett and Bill Haslett. | Martha Ladd
WINNSBORO – A trip across the pond for six Lions Club exchange students has landed them in Winnsboro for two weeks of their month-long journey, beginning with scattered arrivals over the weekend of July 7.
Visiting Winnsboro are Maria Clara Annes, Brazil; Ida Marie Lorensten, Denmark; Ella Roosa Mantysalo, Finland; and Berenika Poplerova, Czech Republic; Andres Byttbrier, Belgium; Rafal Baran, Poland
The students are spending the first half of their four-week trip with Winnsboro Lions Paul and Bobbie Dove and Bill and Linda Haslett before joining 12 other exchange students to tour South Carolina for two weeks.
In their first days as temporary Winnsboro residents, the group has eaten at Cornwallis Tea Room, attended First United Methodist Church and introduced themselves to Fairfield County Council at Monday night’s meeting. They plan to volunteer with Salkehatchie later in July.
The group’s month-long trek across South Carolina will end August 4.