Candidates nominated for FEC board election

BLYTHEWOOD – Four incumbents on the Fairfield Electric Cooperative board of trustees were nominated for the upcoming board elections. No others applied for nomination.

The four nominees are all current board members: Peggy Swearingen (District. 4), Deriel Ogburn (District 5). Kenny Miles (District 6), and Robert Entzminger, (at large).

Only members living in Districts 4, 5, and 6 will vote for Swearingen, Ogburn and Miles, respectively. Members over the entire district map will vote for Entzminger since he is an at large candidate.

During the 2020 annual meeting, the Coop’s membership voted to approve bylaw changes to move to single member voting districts. During the 2021 annual meeting, members approved additional bylaw changes to make the change to single member voting districts.

The 2023 annual membership meeting and election of directors is scheduled for May 20. Polling places will be located in Winnsboro, Blythewood, Chester, and Lugoff.

More information about the meetings will be sent to members at a later date.

To view the map of the districts, go to:

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]