Last month, I suggested at a Fairfield county council meeting that the county should consider moving in the direction of adopting a better animal control ordinance, something similar to the progressive ordinance adopted by the city of Aiken.
While it might take some time to get a better all-inclusive animal ordinance passed, there is one thing we could do now to help our animals in Fairfield County. We need to adopt an ordinance to control breeding for all breeds.
Here are some requirements that could be set forth in such an ordinance.
Dog breeders must be registered with the county as a licensed breeder and pay to have a breeding license. Their breeding facility must be in compliance with regulations that would be stated. There would be specific requirements and guidelines as to where puppies or kittens could be sold. For example… no pet stores and no animals sold on the street or in a public space. Kennels would be inspected once or twice a year.
In addition to this, the ordinance must state that any dog spending any amount of time on a teather/trolly must be spayed or neutered. It is a safety hazard to the animals and to the community to have unprotected female dogs in heat out on a trolly attracting male dogs running at large.