Letter: Why Delay Hiring Admin?

Fairfield County is now going on 10 months without an experienced county administrator or even a robust process for hiring one.

When council members are asked where they are in the hiring process, they have no answers. Yet, the county administrator is the most important position in the county. What’s more, it’s council’s job to hire one, but they apparently don’t know what’s going on with the hiring. We have not had a serious update or explanation from council all year long.

The open position of county administrator has never even been posted on the county’s or the county association’s website! We need to be asking, “Why not.” This county continues to make costly mistakes that will live on for years. We need responsible leadership now.

“Professional county administrators can be instrumental in fulfilling the vast responsibilities of county governments,” said McHenry County, Ill. Administrator Peter Austin, the incoming president of the National Association of County Administrators. “County managers or administrators are uniquely positioned to understand all the services counties provide and make level-headed recommendations to the elected officials.”

Randy Bright


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]