Ridgeway Parade set for Dec. 3 at 4 p.m.

RIDGEWAY – Holidays on the Ridge will feature three days of Christmas ‘JOY’ you won’t want to miss – a tree lighting that includes Santa and free carriage rides, a full day of shopping and dining out, and the grand finale: the Ridgeway Christmas Parade.
It all begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 1, at the Century House which is located at 170 S. Dogwood Ave.
The Geiger Elementary School choir will open the festivities singing Christmas carols. Next, Santa will arrive in a horse drawn carriage to light the town’s Christmas tree, pose for photos and visit with the kids.
Following the tree lighting, there will be free nostalgic horse-drawn carriage rides through the downtown area. Some shops and restaurants will be open and there will be a holiday open house from 6 – 9 p.m., at the Ridgeway Marketplace, located at 110 S. Palmer Street.
After a full day of shopping and dining on Saturday, Dec. 2, there will be a grand Christmas Parade through downtown Ridgeway at 4 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 3.
Candlelight Tour
A candlelight tour of two historic Ridgeway homes will be held on Friday, Dec. 1, from 6-9 p.m. Homes on the tour are the Ivy Veranda, located at 110 W. Ruff Street and Pecan Hill Estate, located at 400 S. Dogwood Drive. Both are in downtown Ridgeway.
Tickets for the tour are $10 and available at Ridgeway Town Hall and on site. Checks payable to Town of Ridgeway. All proceeds benefit Arts on the Ridge.