With an upcoming Nov. 5, 2024 election, two candidates have already filed to run for the Dist. 2 seat on Fairfield County Council: Ann Corrao and Don Goldbach, both of Lake Wateree. The seat is currently held by councilwoman Shirley Greene, who is currently serving her first term. The two candidates submitted the following personal statements to The Voice.
Corrao Goldbach
Ann Corrao
I have officially announced my run for Fairfield County Council, District 2. Election date, November 5, 2024. The public response has been extremely positive!
My background and life experience lend greatly to my ability to serve in public office. Donations to my campaign, both individual and business, have been steady and significant. My presence in district 2, and Fairfield County, has been one of support and collaboration through many organizations and social groups. In addition, I have lent many volunteer hours to different organizations in need, and run a Facebook group that is utilized as supportive for our citizens individual needs and facilitates networking. If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to contact me.
Don Goldbach
Hello Fairfield citizens my name is Don Goldbach and I am entering the race for the District 2 seat on County Council. I am a retired corporate executive and former small business owner who has been blessed with a great wife, two amazing sons and daughters-in-law, four awesome grandchildren, and wonderful neighbors at our Lake Wateree home.
My frustration level with several things happening, and not happening, in our county has led me to run for this office. Taxpayer money wasted on IRS fines due to insufficient financial oversight, lack of a full-time Administrator for more than a year, lack of effective communication with us citizens, and indecisiveness and extremely slow progress on other key issues like a wastewater treatment plant are a few of them.
I am not a candidate funded by special interest money and not what one would call a “politician”. I am a citizen like you who wants to see our county services improved, including emergency services, road maintenance and broadband availability. I want to see our taxpayer dollars spent wisely and our county grow responsibly. I want to see a Council with members who can work together to move Fairfield County forward, who listen and respond to its citizens, and who know where our money is being spent and shouldn’t be spent. I want to see a Council that follows its by-laws and doesn’t, for example, act outside a public meeting to eliminate the second public speaking item on the regular meeting agenda. If elected I will focus on these key issues.
There is a saying that strangers are friends you haven’t met yet. Since I decided to actively engage in our county’s meetings and events, I have met a lot of former strangers, some of whom have already become friends. I look forward to meeting many more of you as the weeks and months roll by, and listen to what’s on your mind, the things that frustrate you and the ideas you have for improving our county. Until then, if you have anything you’d like to share with me, you may email me at [email protected].