Fairfield Sheriff warns of phone, online scams

The Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office warns the community of current on-line scams and telephone scams that are commonly being reported throughout South Carolina.

These on-line scams are very sophisticated and usually involve the scammer posting items for sale. These scams often have accompanying fake websites and the scammers typically pose as sales representatives. These items that are portrayed as being for sale can range from small, relatively inexpensive items to vehicles and heavy machinery costing in excess of $100,000. In another on-line scam, the scammer was able to gain access to the victim’s banking information and stole large amounts of money directly from their bank account. Victims of these scams have lost thousands of dollars.

Telephone scams usually involve the scammer posing as a government representative who is trying to intimidate or scare victims into paying “fines” with reloadable cash cards commonly found in CVS, Walmart, etc.

Here are some keys to protecting yourself:

  1. Avoid Wire Transfers: Reputable dealers don’t ask for funds via wire transfers. Wire transfers are irreversible, making it easy for scammers to disappear with your money.
  2. Verify Legitimacy: Be cautious of fabricated roles and meticulously crafted websites. Independently verify contact information instead of relying on pop-up messages.
  3. Protect Personal Information: Legitimate entities won’t request personal information when logged into your computer. Banks won’t advise you to keep incidents secret. Never use Bitcoin ATMs for money transfers.
  4. Phone and Computer Scams: Be wary of emails thanking you for purchases you didn’t make. Scammers provide a phone number for a refund, asking for banking information. Contact your bank directly for any concerns about charges or compromised information.
  5. Reloadable Cash Cards: Neither government organizations nor legitimate businesses ever ask for payment through these types of cards. Any request for payment in this method should be an immediate “red flag” that this is most likely a scam.

Stay vigilant and report suspicious activity to authorities. Awareness is your best defense against scams. Share this information to help others avoid falling victim to similar schemes. #ScamAware #CyberSecurity.

If you ever think that you are the target of one of these scams, contact the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office at 803-635-4141 and we will assist you in determining if it is a scam.

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]