Letter: Happy 107th Birthday to Geneva Bell

Geneva Butler Bell, of Ridgeway, will celebrate her 107th Birthday on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024, at home with her family and friends.

While Mrs. Bell is my grandmother, she is like my mother because she raised me and has always been in my heart.

A native of Fairfield County, Mrs. Bell was born the fifth of 14 children to Boykin Butler and Marie Goins Butler. At an early age, she was baptized at Rock Hill Baptist Church, in Longtown S.C., where she and her family attended.

Growing up, Mrs. Bell worked in the cotton field alongside her siblings, husband, and children. She has always been a hard worker, faithful to her family, and serving God.

Later in life, Mrs. Bell joined Mt. Olive Baptist Church where she was a member of the Usher Board, missionary, and the Senior Choir. She enjoyed attending Sunday School and morning worship services. Although, since the Pandemic, she hasn’t been able to attend services, that hasn’t stopped her from serving God and reading her bible daily. Her pastimes are reading her bible, coloring, watching western shows, and talking with her children and grandchildren.

In these 107 years, Mrs. Bell has had many experiences and has wisdom to share. She has been cruising with her family to the Bahamas and Mexico. She has seen a lot of things in life, and she is proud to have a letter from former President Barack Obama when she turned 100 years old. She even voted in the election when he was running for office.

Her niece, Lottie Bell (who authored Deep South-Deep North: A Family’s Journey), and her nephew, Eddie Woods (who authored Turning Points), both mentioned Mrs. Bell and other family members in their books.

Mrs. Bell has nine living children (of 12 born to her and her late husband George Sr.), 52 grandchildren, 95 great-grands, 70 great-great grands, 9 great-great-great grands, with two new great-great-great grands due to arrive in mid-2024. Her descendants include nurses, doctors, veterans in the armed services, therapists, teachers, principals, carpenters, landscape workers, caregivers, and business owners. She is so proud of them all.

Mrs. Bell is the most kind-hearted, loving, and humble individual I’ve ever known.

We, the Bell Family, thank God for blessing her to live 107 years.

Veronica Dadzie-Edmonds


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]