WINNSBORO – The Fairfield County Sheriff Office recognized Sergeant Brandy Caldwell as the 2024 Officer of the Year for Fairfield County.

Caldwell serves as a School Resource Officer (SRO) at Fairfield Middle School, where her leadership and commitment to the well-being of students have been transformative.
“Sgt. Caldwell’s influence extends beyond Fairfield County.” Says Fairfield County Sheriff Will Montgomery. ‘She has held positions on the South Carolina DARE Association Executive Board and currently serves on the Executive Board of the South Carolina Association of School Resource Officers (SCASRO). Through her statewide connections, Sgt. Caldwell has become an invaluable resource for SROs across South Carolina, ensuring best practices in school safety and student engagement.
A graduate of Fairfield Central High School’s Class of 2002, Caldwell began her distinguished career with the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office in 2008.
Sheriff Montgomery commended Sgt. Caldwell, stating, “Sgt. Caldwell is a well-trained SRO who works tirelessly to bridge the gap between our youth and law enforcement. Her dedication fosters a positive impression not only within our schools but throughout Fairfield County. She exemplifies the core values of our office and is a vital asset to our team. She is the first one in the door every morning and the last to leave,” Montgomery says. “Her personal motto, ‘Children First,’ reflects the heart of her work.”
“To be a school resource officer, you have to have a passion for children,” Caldwell says. “It’s got to be inside your heart that you want to make a difference in your community. It’s beyond just the school doors that we can help them. They know that if something’s happening in the community, they can come to the school resource officer, and we’ll work to make sure that we’re supporting them as well.”
“Sgt. Caldwell’s selfless dedication, proactive mindset, and ability to connect with students have made her an irreplaceable part of the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office,” Montgomery says. “Her work ensures that students feel supported, valued, and safe, both within their schools and in the broader community.”