Goldbach Bell Gadson
WINNSBORO – Three new county council members were sworn into office in council chambers at 4:45 p.m. on Monday afternoon in the county’s government complex at 250 N. Walnut Street in Winnsboro.
The swearing-in ceremony was followed by the election of officers at 5:30 p.m.
Fairfield Clerk to Council Kimberly Roberts administered the oath of office to Don Goldbach (Dist. 2) who placed his hand on a Bible held by his wife Kathy; House Rep. Annie McDaniel administered the oath of office to Carl Bell (Dist. 4) who placed his hand on a Bible held by Catherine Bell Gadson; Fairfield County Magistrate Jannita Gaston administered the oath of office to Oren Gadson who placed his hand on a Bible held by his son Marcus White.
Following the swearing-in ceremony each new councilman took his seat at the dais before the meeting was adjourned for a short reception. The full council reconvened at 5:30 p.m. to elect officers with senior member and then-chair Douglas Pauley presiding.
Goldbach is a retired executive from the Westinghouse Electric Company; Bell works in a Columbia law office; and Gadson is retired from the Winnsboro Department of Public Safety.