RIDGEWAY/WINNSBORO – Plans are underway by citizens in Ridgeway and Winnsboro to show the communities’ appreciation to Winnsboro water technicians Veshawn Owens, Jesse Self, Mikey Bunting, Jawarin Jones and Kaelen Fee, Meter Reader Isaac Boyd, and Winnsboro Gas Water and Sewer Director Tripp Peak, who worked around the clock Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and part of Monday in sub-freezing temperatures and icy winds to repair breaks in water lines in Winnsboro. Ridgeway Water Director Robert Arndt was pretty much a one-man act taking care of resulting water problems in Ridgeway.
Winnsboro’s Water Plant Director Jeff Cisney and his crew worked long hours as well trying to keep water in the tanks and lines through it all.
“I don’t know when they slept Saturday and Sunday nights,” Peake said. “Every time I call over to the plant, Jeff answered.”

Sarah and George Pierce of Sarah ‘n Geo’s are spearheading the appreciation drive.
“We’re donating meals here at the restaurant to the men and their families,” Sarah said, “and other donations have also come in. It’s just a way for the community to show their appreciation for these men getting the water pipes repaired under unimaginable circumstances.
“Residents of the two towns and even in the county have been bringing gift cards, food, hand warmers, and even cash to show their appreciation. Carol Allen of Laura’s Tea Room in Ridgeway brought over a large gift basket,” Sarah said.
“These guys were out there Christmas Eve and Christmas day, away from their families, working hard in miserably cold weather, in freezing water and with only about two hours rest Saturday night, then back out. It was really bad,” Peak told The Voice. “We couldn’t get any contract workers because they were on other jobs. Towns all over the state had the same problems. Some even worse than ours.”
Drop off point for both the Winnsboro and Ridgeway workers is at Sarah ‘n Geo’s restaurant, 170 S. Palmer Street in Ridgeway until 8:30 tonight and from 11 a.m. until 8:30 Wednesday night. For more information about the appreciation drive, call Sarah at 803-337-0520.
First responders in time of need. Hat off, we salute you!
Mike Bell