Letter: Experience Counts, Elect Gaddy

There are several very significant elections coming up, not the least of which is the election for a new Clerk of Court.  Our Esteemed current clerk, Judy Bonds, is retiring after a successful run. Christon Gaddy, an established member of the office, is running for the seat. As a retired attorney, I have a perspective […]

Letter: Fairfield’s Obstacles Rooted in Leadership Shortcomings

The Fairfield County Comprehensive Plan depicts the county as having a prime location, rail access, and an abundance of natural resources and beauty. It also enjoys a $72 million legal settlement, high per capita revenue and a high per capita GDP… thanks to nearby VC Summer Nuclear Plant. So why does it grapple with a […]

Guest Editorial: Is Main Purpose of Ethics Complaint to Publicly Smear Scout?

After considering more than 70 other sites across the country, in March 2023, Scout Motors Inc. (Scout) chose to make its home in Blythewood, South Carolina to build all-new Scout vehicles that will be all-purpose, all-electric, and all-American. Today, the 1,600-acre Richland County site is buzzing with activity associated with the construction of a state-of-the-art […]

Letter: Let’s Not Oppose Change

I would like to tip my hat to the opinion in the May 2, 2024 issue of The Voice.  It hit the nail on the head. Fairfield County for some strange reason has opposed change for most of my life and I’m no spring chicken. It has always been an ‘Oh, I don’t want to […]

Editorial: Fairfield County is at a Critical Crossroad

Most rural community leaders across the state would love to have the amenities and advantages that Fairfield County enjoys. Bisected by I-77, its proximity to Columbia, USC, Charlotte International Airport, two beautiful lakes, a bucolic countryside of rolling hills and farms, and stable revenue from VC Summer, Fairfield County should be one of South Carolina’s […]

Guest Editorial: Fairfield Animal Shelter Needs County’s Help

In consideration of the unacceptable overcrowding of the Fairfield County Animal Shelter, let’s look at how many animals the shelter brings in every year and how many go home or find placement: 2021 848 cats in 477 cats out 2021 636 dogs in 521 dogs out 2023 610 cats in 395 cats out 2023 646 […]

Letter: Fairfield’s Urgent Budget Needs

Time certainly flies and here we are again at budget season.  Just like last year, and probably every year before that, the county has several urgent needs.  First, there are emergency services.  I believe the top priority for Fairfield County Council is the safety and health of its citizens, and many citizens and employees have […]

Letter: A Plan Not Budgeted Will Fail

Fairfield County Council has a new Comprehensive Plan and a newly minted Strategic Economic Development Plan to execute. Those two plans contain about 200 goals and strategies. Yet, amazingly, neither of the two plans or their components were addressed or even mentioned in either of the two budget processes that were recently held. It’s just […]

Letter: Agreeing with Citizens

Several key points were made at Council’s regular meeting on April 8 and I would like to reinforce them for those who rely on this publication for information. I strongly believe that the number one priority for Fairfield County Council, and in fact any government, is to provide for the safety and health of its […]

Letter: Unmeasured Progress will Doom Comp Plan

Just approving the Comprehensive Plan won’t ensure success. For the Comp Plan to be successful in the end, its progress and implementation must be continually monitored and measured. This involves collecting and analyzing data on key indicators and outcomes related to the plan goals and policies. While the state does not require performance metrics, we […]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]